2016 July, 8 , 2016 - (Long time no text. What's happened?) As you can already tell, it's been a LOOONG time since my last Blog update. Well there is a reason. Mainly not wa-*cough* SOOO, anyways, my Father is bringing back KING OF THE JUNGLE (2)!! If you want to help him over at his website...here's the link: http://leonsplanet.com/king_of_the_jungle2.htm May, 20, 2016 - (I AM BACK IN THE U.S.A.!!!~!!!~!!~!~~!~!!~!!!! :D) Ah man is it good to be back, ahhhhhhhhhyyyyyeeeahhhhh. For the next few updates I WILL inform you on our adventures on our trips through the American grounds of the so called "National Parks and Forests." Stay tuned folks! :D May, 2, 2016 - (My fathers heart attack - He's 47 years old) So this happened about one and a half weeks ago. So, the bathroom was next the the door out of our studio apartment that's apparently 2 floors. As I was about to go out the door as I saw my Dad about to do his....um..."business" so to say. Let me describe the bathroom before we go any further. The bathroom is pretty small and there a sink immediately to your right and right in front of you is the toilet about 3 steps from the bathroom door. The toilet is REALLY close to our washing machine that has a top-down drop so we can just drop our clothes in there. So, with that said, my Father was going to do his "business" when suddenly he had a dead expression on his face and had hit his head EXTREMELY HARD on the Landry machines buttons and the front of the drop-off area. That's not even the weirdest part. The weirdest part is that he had his arm half way down the toilet bowl. Then his Co-worker at school called him (it was Saturday at the time) but he WAS STILL NOT MOVING so I answered his phone for him. About 30 seconds later he gets up and I am in a panic. He is limping to the couch about 2 feet away from the bathroom entrance. Then I see him start to sweat, So I turn on the AC down to it's coldest temperature (16 Degrees Celsius or 53.6 Fahrenheit) and open the window which covers the an entire wall but there's only a small part of it you can open...and I open that and turn on the AC. So, after 33 min and 50 seconds later (I was watching the time) I could finally go to my friends house. That's not the end of the story but...I'll take about it more later That's it folks! April, 9 , 2016 - (The GliTcHy SySTem.) I made the title like that for a purpose, it's to show what it looks like for a "Glitch" to happen. What is a definition for a "Glitch"? Well....Here's Googles answer: "a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or fault of equipment." With that said, the program I am using is "Microsoft FrontPage" and it's glitch is SOOOOOOOOOOO stupid. I have to update at least ONE other page besides the INDEX page before updating that page. It's just UGGAAHH!!! Anyways. That's it folks! April, 1 , 2016 - (April Fools Day.....oh boy...) The day where bad puns, pranks, and bad jokes are pulled off. With the side dishes of water in your pants, fake poop on your teachers desk (who hasn't tried that), and the infamous classic...putting dog poop into a bag and lighting it on fire in front of your neabers door and pretending it's a fire for them to step on it the first thing they do. I hope you guys enjoy, getting "smacked camed", Scary jump scares with masks, Fake illness, fake excuses, and more. Enjoy April Fools Day! March, 28 , 2016 - (What is up with not updating your website?) So, if you are a regular visitor to the website, you might have notice that the Blog hasn't been updated for almost 11 days now. Well, that's because I am a bit lazy to update it and trying to keep up with YouTube videos. But now I have the chance to do it. So Titus...what's on your mind for the future? Well...I am still excited to go to Cooking School. Yes it is confirmed and official, I am and WILL go to Cooking School! I am going to get my VERY FIRST job at the age of 16 when I return back to the U.S.A. That's it for now. February, 27 , 2016 (YouTube hold, and Cookbook cooking) I am going to put my YouTube channel on hold for a while. The reason is that, my recording software will cut me off after the 30 second mark for no apparent reason. COOKING:
I am learning how to cook, with the help of a cook book
called "Leaving Home COOKBOOK and SURVIVAL
GUIDE" By Seth Braun. The company is
"Heathy, Fast and Cheap" tm. So far I have learned how to make French Toast for the first time. And also how to make Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. February, 20 , 2016 (Our YouTube Channel) With the addition of a YouTube channel there are only 5 videos but I'm doing my best to put out more videos, Except on weekends. Here is the link to my Youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN7J5XVB0g1kosOiBWgILfw February, 7 , 2016 (Happy Chinese New Year!) Today in China it's New Year's eve, and you think that new year's is just a couple of fireworks and it's good. However in China, it's fireworks but with the addition of firecrackers going of literally every 5 minutes. The firecrackers are LOUD AND ANNOYING, I'm not sure if it's the same in every country that even has firecrackers but here they are incredibly loud. Most places will be closed for around seven (7) days. However, some places will be open becuase this time of year is the perfect time for businesses, pubs, bars, restaurants, ect, to make money. School update: (not going to be in school, BUT - there are Alternatives) I am a good person with a good heart, you might say that I'm an angel (the good kind) from heaven in a human form. So, just recently I was...let's say "put off from school". (for now??). Now if you're wondering "But Titus, what are you going to do if your not going to school, are you out of your mind? What are you thinking?". Ok well, I'm going to explain it, my way. So, the basic rule is that 3-4 times you "miss-behave" in school you get kicked out. That's exactly what happened. Here are some of the Alternatives for school: A trade school (whatever that means), A apprentice (I don't know), Schools called "Alternative" school, ect. So, anyways, here's to a Happy Chinese New Year. February, 2 , 2016 (starting a Youtube channel, need resources) I didn't have a great time at school, so my Dad has decided to pull me out and start putting me to work. Back a few years ago I found out that I could make some decent amount of money by making videos on Youtube. I could make any content I want which is really awesome and what I always wanted to do. In order to make Youtube videos I need video editing software, approved from my dad, and the content. I have the content: VIDEO GAMES. Video Games has been one of my BIGGEST obsessions since I was so little. I also like technology, ohhhhhh technology. I wish I could (literally) have it on me at all times, but I can't because of the limitations of a "battery life". January, 16, 2016 (Lock out of our apartment?!) So, sometime during this week, we were coming back after a long and hard day at school and we were in the parking alley inside the building as a separate floor. As we were going up the ramp to the door leading to the elevators to our apartment. Now most of the time these doors are UN-locked, but that night they were LOCKED. So my dad parked our electric scooter nearby the door and started getting a bit mad. At first he tried to get the guards stationed in front of the apartment complex. After that didn't work, he went back to the door and started banging on it really hard. I tried to reason with him "Dad! That's not going to work!" But of course, he doesn't really listen to me sometimes. After that he starting yelling to the guards to get attention: -"HELLO?! -"WHY ARE THIS DOOR LOCKED?!" -"SOMEBODY?!" Constantly until what seem for a while, one of guards finally came. Probably from annoyance, and UN-locked it for us. January 9, 2016 (The first week of school) During the first week of school my friend had missed not 1 but 4 days of school! This was because he had a passport problem where he had to get a new passport due to it being expired. Right now I have 2-3 friends, I will not say there names so that I can protect there identity. However if I were too tell a story about them I would say "friend 1, friend 2 or friend 3". I do not remember any stories but I will write them down or try to remember them as I go the first month of Term 3 of this school. January 2, 2016 (The start of a new year) It's a start of a new year of possible better things to come. With the common new year tradition of making a new years resolution, I don't have one and I don't plan to have one, in my opinion it's a waste of time scene fate as already made one for you.
August 14th, 2015
So, last night I was sleeping
quiet and sound like any other night. When all of a
sudden my father yelled TITUS! WAKE UP! THE
BUILDING SHOOK! At that EXACT moment, I woke
up and my door had a lock but, I didnt open, and it
was UNLOCKED! It was stuck, probably from the
HUMONGOUS EARTH QUACK SIZED explosions that weather
satellites could see them from OUTER SPACE! After I
found out that my door could not move a single budge, I
panicky and louded DAD!! MY DOOR WONT
MOVE!! My father rushed up the stairs as fast
as he can and tried to open the door him-self and it also
didnt budge, he tried a Variety set of keys to open
WONT OPEN! A couple of minutes later he
somehow stuck his credit card into where the door
auto-maticly locks and opens, and like that is popped
open. Afterwards, I saw people literally leaving
there homes and apartments and I kept telling my dad that
we should leave too. However, he keeps saying
No, stay here, Ill take care of this
So, I stayed up for another hour or so, waiting for him
to come back, and he came back and exclaimed that there
was nothing to worry about. When I finally calmed
down I went to bed and then my dads phone rang.
It was my fathers boss and he asked something like
Yeah, um there was two explosions, what
happened? After a few minutes I asked
EXPLODED! Oh, ok. Good night.
But, it was no power plant that exploded. The next
day when I woke up with my dad, IT WAS ALL OVER THE NEWS
(literally) TV, PHONE, INTERNET, you name it, it was
everywhere. In NY times TOP STORY
it read Deadly Explosions Hit Chinas Port of
Tianjin I was reacting HOLY CRUD!!!! What
happened? As I read on it read
Thunderous, fiery explosions at a warehouse
containing hazardous goods traumatized this northeast
port city late Wednesday, killing at least 17 people,
injuring at least 400, shattering glass on scores of
high-rise buildings and causing other extensive
damage. My and my father and I are O.K,
for now our apartment building and the apartment
its self is totally ok, somehow. In fact, our
school windows where ALL shattered from the shock wave
that felt like an earthquake that was around 2.1-2.9
magnitude, and thats why theres no school
today. As I kept reading it said
The air pressure from the blast was so strong
it just knocked me down in one fell swoop. This
is what happened to my dad last night, he explained in
his own words to me After the whole entire building
shook I went to the door and opened it to see what
happened. As soon as I opened it, he fell back in
the air about 5 feet Like when in the movies when
an explosion happened, excepted it was real! My father also said that it
started around 11 PM last night when the first explosion
hit it was 11:13 that was the one that shook the whole
building. But it gets worse, FAR MORE WORSE, at
11:30 a second, A billion times stronger from the last
one, took my dad in the air and knocked him back in the
air about 5 feet while still in the air like in the
movies. Then at 12 PM (Mid-night) My father woke me
up, my guess after being uncousius. In the news it says 11 out of 17
where CONFIRMED dead and more then 300-400 where totally
injured or injured and causalitys WILL most likely
rise it was and explosion at a Warehouse containing
hazards/explosive materials. Hospitals where
FLOODED with victims and people injured by the debris
literally flying around in the air or from the explosion
itself. Firefighters responded to the blaze about
40 minutes before the first exploration and at least
three where dead and half-dozen fire trucks where
destroyed. My father has made his own version of his story if you want to read a better and detailed story of what happened: http://leonsplanet.com/blog_teda.htm 2014 August 11, 2014 Bad news. The reason why there is been a hold of Blog entries now is because I've been studding for school, and if you're wondering about why there are no more comic updates, is because of the same and different reason, we are too busy to do it. July 18, 2014 Those annoying dogs. I'm just chilling on my computer, not doing much. I'm trying to practice/improve my communication skills, my father says that I will need it in my future. Last night some dogs got into a barking fight, and they just kept barking for about an hour. Then some man when to see the situation and dealt with it. The rest of the night we had no more interruptions. By the way, if you like my website then spread the word on Twitter, Reddit Facebook, ect. July 4, 2014 The internet problems I'm sorry that I've haven't been uploading anything on my website lately, there was a thunder strike that might have hit a satiate on the top of our apartment building so that's why we don't have internet. The internet support are coming today to our house to fix the problem, I just hope they get here soon. BREAKTHROUGH!!! Just as I typed the text above, the internet started working again! THANK YOU INTERNET SUPPORT! BREAKTHROUGH!!! Happy U.S.A. day everyone! June 26, 2014 Now the Russian page! This has been an good week for my website. My father and I are busy with other stuff, so we probably don't have much time to do the Comic strip. However, my father and I made the Russian page for people who would like to see/learn Russian with comics. I hope you enjoy it! Cheers! June 20, 2014 The Chinese page! This is the first day my father and I are uploading the comics into the Chinese page I hope you enjoy it! Cheers! June 18, 2014 The hype for a ORIGINAL comic strip! Are you hyped, I am. My Father and I are making an original comic strip that probably has NEVER been done before. It's about an English/England Myth of some sorts. We will upload the progress in the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian page, not yet though but soon! Anyways, Cheers! June 17, 2014 It's time to play the waiting game... I made this website yesterday and the hype is not really "hype" yet, :( oh well. It takes a while for any new website to be popular, however I've prompted it on my facebook wall if you want to see my facebook wall; go to my "Contact" section at the top of my website. If you have time please spread the word on facebook, twitter, intagram, ect. I will be happy if you do! Anyways, Cheers! June 16, 2014 The beginning of a new website. This is the first day of my website, I'm so excited! However there are a few bugs and glitches here and there on making a website, my father is a genius (and so am I in the future) at getting rid of bugs and glitches like was nothing at all. There is a LOT to do before I am finished making this website, with the help of my Father we will improve this website and continue developing this website of mine. I quickly leaning new technology in new ways and I'm a really quick learner on new technology. There will be more things on my website and you can explore and discover new things on my website. |